MUMmer is a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes. The current version (release 4.x) can find all 20 base pair maximal exact matches between two bacterial genomes of ~5 million base pairs each in 20 seconds, using 90 MB of memory, on a typical 1.8 GHz Linux desktop computer. MUMmer can also align incomplete genomes; it handles the 100s or 1000s of contigs from a shotgun sequencing project with ease, and will align them to another set of contigs or a genome, using the nucmer utility included with the system. The promer utility takes this a step further by generating alignments based upon the six-frame translations of both input sequences. Promer permits the alignment of genomes for which the proteins are similar but the DNA sequence is too divergent to detect similarity. See the nucmer and promer readme files in the "docs/" subdirectory for more details. MUMmer is open source, so all we ask is that you cite our most recent paper in any publications that use this system:
Open source MUMmer 3.0 is described in "Versatile and open software for comparing large genomes." S. Kurtz, A. Phillippy, A.L. Delcher, M. Smoot, M. Shumway, C. Antonescu, and S.L. Salzberg, Genome Biology (2004), 5:R12.
MUMmer 2.1, NUCmer, and PROmer are described in "Fast Algorithms for Large-scale Genome Alignment and Comparision." A.L. Delcher, A. Phillippy, J. Carlton, and S.L. Salzberg, Nucleic Acids Research (2002), Vol. 30, No. 11 2478-2483.
MUMmer 1.0 is described in "Alignment of Whole Genomes." A.L. Delcher, S. Kasif, R.D. Fleischmann, J. Peterson, O. White, and S.L. Salzberg, Nucleic Acids Research, 27:11 (1999), 2369-2376.
MUMmer4.x is comprised of many various utilities and scripts. For general purposes, the programs nucmer, and promer will be all that is needed. See their descriptions in the "RUNNING THE MUMmer PROGRAMS" section, or refer to their individual documentation in the "docs/" subdirectory. Refer to the "RUNNING THE MUMmer UTILITIES" section for a brief description of all of the utilities in this directory.
Given a file containing a single reference sequence (ref.seq) in FASTA format and another file containing multiple sequences in FastA format (qry.seq) type the following at the command line: ./nucmer -p <prefix> ref.seq qry.seq To produce the following files: <prefix>.delta Please read the utility-specific documentation in the "docs/" subdirectory for descriptions of these files and information on how to change the alignment parameters for the scripts (minimum match length, etc.), or see the notes below in the "RUNNING THE MUMmer SCRIPTS" section for a brief explanation. To see a simple gnuplot output, if you have gnuplot installed, run the perl script mummerplot on the output files. This script can be run on mummer output (.out), or nucmer/promer output (.delta). Edit the <prefix>.gp file that is created to change colors, line thicknesses, etc. or explore the \<prefix>.[fr]plot file to see the data collection. ./mummerplot -p <prefix> <prefix>.out
Because of MUMmer's modular design, it may be necessary to use a number of separate programs to produce the desired output. The MUMmer scripts attempt to simplify this process by wrapping various utilities into packages that can perform standard alignment requests. Listed below are brief descriptions and usage definitions for these scripts. Please refer to the "docs/" subdirectory for a more detailed description of each script.
USAGE: nucmer [options] <reference> <query> [options] type 'nucmer -h' for a list of options. <reference> specifies the multi-FastA sequence file that contains the reference sequences, to be aligned with the queries. <query> specifies the multi-FastA sequence file that contains the query sequences, to be aligned with the references. OUTPUT: the delta encoded alignments between the reference and query sequences. This file can be parsed with any of the show-* programs which are described in the "RUNNING THE MUMmer UTILITIES" section.
USAGE: promer [options] <reference> <query> [options] type 'promer -h' for a list of options. <reference> specifies the multi-FastA sequence file that contains the reference sequences, to be aligned with the queries. <query> specifies the multi-FastA sequence file that contains the query sequences, to be aligned with the references. OUTPUT: the delta encoded alignments between the reference and query sequences. This file can be parsed with any of the show-* programs which are described in the "RUNNING THE MUMmer UTILITIES" section.
USAGE: dnadiff [options] <reference> <query> or dnadiff [options] -d <delta file> <reference> Set the input reference multi-FASTA filename <query> Set the input query multi-FASTA filename or <delta file> Unfiltered .delta alignment file from nucmer OUTPUT: .report - Summary of alignments, differences and SNPs .delta - Standard nucmer alignment output .1delta - 1-to-1 alignment from delta-filter -1 .mdelta - M-to-M alignment from delta-filter -m .1coords - 1-to-1 coordinates from show-coords -THrcl .1delta .mcoords - M-to-M coordinates from show-coords -THrcl .mdelta .snps - SNPs from show-snps -rlTHC .1delta .rdiff - Classified ref breakpoints from show-diff -rH .mdelta .qdiff - Classified qry breakpoints from show-diff -qH .mdelta .unref - Unaligned reference IDs and lengths (if applicable) .unqry - Unaligned query IDs and lengths (if applicable)
The MUMmer package consists of various utilities that can interact with the mummer program. mummer performs all maximal and maximal unique matching, and all other utilities were designed to process the input and output of this program and its related scripts, in order to extract additional information from the output. Listed below are the descriptions and usage definitions for these utilities.
USAGE: annotate <gapsfile> <seq2> <gapsfile> the output of the 'gaps' program. <seq2> the file containing the second sequence in the comparison. OUTPUT: stdout the 'gaps' output interspersed with the alignments of the gaps between adjacent MUMs. An alignment of a gap comes after the second MUM defining the gap, and alignment errors are marked with a '^' character. witherrors.gaps the 'gaps' output with an appended column that lists the number of alignment errors for each gap.
USAGE: combineMUMs [options] <reference> <query> <mgapsfile> [options] type 'combineMUMs -h' for a list of options. <reference> the FastA reference file used in the comparison. <query> the multi-FastA reference file used in the comparison. <mgapsfile> the output of the 'mgaps' program run on the match list produced by 'mummer' for the reference and query files. OUTPUT: stdout the 'mgaps' output interspersed with the alignments of the gaps between adjacent MUMs. An alignment of a gap comes after the second MUM defining the gap, and alignment errors are marked with a '^' character. At the end of each cluster is a summary line (keyword "Region") noting the bounds of the cluster in the reference and query sequences, the total number of errors for the region, the length of the region and the percent error of the region. witherrors.gaps the 'mgaps' output with an appended column that lists the number of alignment errors for each gap.
USAGE: delta-filter [options] <deltafile> [options] type 'delta-filter -h' for a list of options. <deltafile> the .delta output file from either nucmer or promer. OUTPUT: stdout The same delta alignment format as output by nucmer and promer.
USAGE: exact-tandems <file> <min match> <file> the single sequence in FastA format to search for repeats. <min match> the minimum match length for the tandems. OUTPUT: stdout 4 columns, the start of the tandem repeat, the total extent of the repeat region, the length of each repetitive unit, and to total copies of the repetitive unit involved.
USAGE: mgaps [options] < <matchlist> [options] type 'mgaps -h' for a list of options. <matchlist> A list of matches separated by their sequence FastA tags. The columns of the match list should be start in reference, start in query, and length of the match. OUTPUT: stdout An ordered set of the input matches, separated by headers. Individual clusters are separated by a '#' character and sets of clusters from different sequences are separated by the FastA header tag for the query sequence.
USAGE: mummer [options] <reference> <query> ... [options] type 'mummer -help' for a list of options. <reference> specifies the single or multi-FastA sequence file that contains the reference sequence(s), to be aligned with the queries. <query> specifies the multi-FastA sequence file that contains the query sequences, to be aligned with the references. Multiple query files are allowed, up to 32. OUTPUT: stdout a list of exact matches. Varies depending on input, refer to the manual specified in the description above.
USAGE: mummerplot [options] <matchfile> [options] type 'mummerplot -h' for a list of options. <matchfile> the output of 'mummer', 'nucmer', 'promer', or 'show-tiling'. 'mummerplot' will automatically determine the format of the data it was given and produce the plot accordingly. OUTPUT: The gnuplot script, type 'gnuplot' to evaluate the the gnuplot script. out.fplot out.rplot out.hplot The forward, reverse and highlighted match information for plotting with gnuplot. out.png The plotted image file, postscript or png depending on the selected terminal type.
USAGE: repeat-match [options] <seq> [options] type 'repeat-match -h' for a list of options. <seq> the single sequence in FastA format to search for repeats. OUTPUT: stdout 3 columns, the start of the first copy of the repeat, the start of the second copy of the repeat, and the length of the repeat respectively.
USAGE: show-aligns [options] <deltafile> <IdR> <IdQ> [options] type 'show-aligns -h' for a list of options. <deltafile> the .delta output file from either nucmer or promer. <IdR> the FastA header tag of the desired reference sequence. <IdQ> the FastA header tag of the desired query sequence. OUTPUT: stdout each alignment header and footer describes the frame of the alignment in each sequence, and the start and finish (inclusive) of the alignment in each sequence. At the beginning of each line of aligned sequence are two numbers, the top is the coordinate of the first reference base on that line and the bottom is the coordinate of the first query base on that line. ALL coordinates reference the forward strand of the DNA sequence, even if it is a protein alignment. A gap caused by an insertion or deletion is filled with a '.' character. Errors in a DNA alignment are marked with a '^' below the error. Errors in an amino acid alignment are marked with a whitespace in the middle consensus line, while matches are marked with the consensus base and similarities are marked with a '+' in the consensus line.
USAGE: show-coords [options] <deltafile> [options] type 'show-coords -h' for a list of options. <deltafile> the .delta output file from either nucmer or promer. OUTPUT: stdout run 'show-coords' without the -H option to see the column header tags. Here is a description of each tag. Note that some of the below tags do not apply to nucmer data, and that all coordinates are inclusive and relative to the forward DNA strand. [S1] Start of the alignment region in the reference sequence. [E1] End of the alignment region in the reference sequence. [S2] Start of the alignment region in the query sequence. [E2] End of the alignment region in the query sequence. [LEN 1] Length of the alignment region in the reference sequence, measured in nucleotides. [LEN 2] Length of the alignment region in the query sequence, measured in nucleotides. [% IDY] Percent identity of the alignment, calculated as the (number of exact matches) / ([LEN 1] + insertions in the query). [% SIM] Percent similarity of the alignment, calculated like the above value, but counting positive BLOSUM matrix scores instead of exact matches. [% STP] Percent of stop codons of the alignment, calculated as (number of stop codons) / (([LEN 1] + insertions in the query) * 2). [LEN R] Length of the reference sequence. [LEN Q] Length of the query sequence. [COV R] Percent coverage of the alignment on the reference sequence, calculated as [LEN 1] / [LEN R]. [COV Q] Percent coverage of the alignment on the query sequence, calculated as [LEN 2] / [LEN Q]. [FRM] Reading frame for the reference sequence and the reading frame for the query sequence respectively. This is one of the columns absent from the nucmer data, however, match direction can easily be determined by the start and end coordinates. [TAGS] The reference FastA ID and the query FastA ID. There is also an optional final column (turned on with the -w or -o option) that will contain some 'annotations'. The -o option will annotate alignments that represent overlaps between two sequences, while the -w option is antiquated and should no longer be used. Sometimes, nucmer or promer will extend adjacent clusters past one another, thus causing a somewhat redundant output, this option will notify users of such rare occurrences.
USAGE: show-diff [options] <deltafile> [options] type 'show-diff -h' for a list of options. <deltafile> the .delta output file from nucmer OUTPUT: stdout Classified breakpoints are output one per line with the following types and column definitions. The first five columns of every row are seq ID, feature type, feature start, feature end, and feature length. Feature Columns IDR GAP gap-start gap-end gap-length-R gap-length-Q gap-diff IDR DUP dup-start dup-end dup-length IDR BRK gap-start gap-end gap-length IDR JMP gap-start gap-end gap-length IDR INV gap-start gap-end gap-length IDR SEQ gap-start gap-end gap-length prev-sequence next-sequence Feature Types [GAP] A gap between two mutually consistent ordered and oriented alignments. gap-length-R is the length of the alignment gap in the reference, gap-length-Q is the length of the alignment gap in the query, and gap-diff is the difference between the two gap lengths. If gap-diff is positive, sequence has been inserted in the reference. If gap-diff is negative, sequence has been deleted from the reference. If both gap-length-R and gap-length-Q are negative, the indel is tandem duplication copy difference. [DUP] A duplicated sequence in the reference that occurs more times in the reference than in the query. The coordinate columns specify the bounds and length of the duplication. These features are often bookended by BRK features if there is unique sequence bounding the duplication. [BRK] An insertion in the reference of unknown origin, that indicates no query sequence aligns to the sequence bounded by gap-start and gap-end. Often found around DUP elements or at the beginning or end of sequences. [JMP] A relocation event, where the consistent ordering of alignments is disrupted. The coordinate columns specify the breakpoints of the relocation in the reference, and the gap-length between them. A negative gap-length indicates the relocation occurred around a repetitive sequence, and a positive length indicates unique sequence between the alignments. [INV] The same as a relocation event, however both the ordering and orientation of the alignments is disrupted. Note that for JMP and INV, generally two features will be output, one for the beginning of the inverted region, and another for the end of the inverted region. [SEQ] A translocation event that requires jumping to a new query sequence in order to continue aligning to the reference. If each input sequence is a chromosome, these features correspond to inter-chromosomal translocations.
USAGE: show-snps [options] <deltafile> [options] type 'show-snps -h' for a list of options. <deltafile> the .delta output file from either nucmer or promer. OUTPUT: stdout Standard output has column headers with the following meanings. Not all columns will be output by default, see 'show-snps -h' for switch to control the output. [P1] SNP position in the reference. [SUB] Character in the reference. [SUB] Character in the query. [P2] SNP position in the query. [BUFF] Distance from this SNP to the nearest mismatch (end of alignment, indel, SNP, etc) in the same alignment. [DIST] Distance from this SNP to the nearest sequence end. [R] Number of repeat alignments which cover this reference position, >0 means repetitive sequence. [Q] Number of repeat alignments which cover this query position, >0 means repetitive sequence. [LEN R] Length of the reference sequence. [LEN Q] Length of the query sequence. [CTX R] Surrounding context sequence in the reference. [CTX Q] Surrounding context sequence in the query. [FRM] Reading frame for the reference sequence and the reading frame for the query sequence respectively. Simply 'forward' 1, or 'reverse' -1 for nucmer data. [TAGS] The reference FastA ID and the query FastA ID.
USAGE: show-tiling [options] <deltafile> [options] type 'show-tiling -h' for a list of options. <deltafile> the .delta output file from either nucmer or promer. OUTPUT: stdout Standard output has 8 columns: start in reference, end in reference, gap between this contig and the next, length of this contig, alignment coverage of this contig, average percent identity of the alignments for this contig, orientation of this contig, contig ID. All matches to a reference are headed by the FASTA tag of that reference. Output with the -a option is the same as 'show-coords -cl' when run on nucmer data.
The programs mapview, run-mummer1, run-mummer3 and nucmer2xfig are now obsolete. The original documentation is still available here.